Information regarding reporting policy violations or behavioral concerns can be found below. We appreciate your commitment to maintaining a safe, healthy, and successful campus community. Confidentiality and privacy are important considerations when reporting concerns and requesting support.
Not sure if you want to make a report? You are still entitled to receive confidential support and care through the University. The University also provides a number of confidential entities who are explicitly identified, which include physicians at Student Health Services, therapists in Student Well-Being, and other designated individuals who cannot share information you report to them with others. For a list of defined confidential, non-mandated reporters, please reference the 'Confidential Reports" section at All other staff, faculty, and offices are not confidential and are mandated reporters who can have private conversations with you about what you have experienced, but they may be required to report information you share with them to the appropriate entity.
Students may also use the 24/7 anonymous hotline or may call 844-469-6383
File a general complaint or grievance that is not a student conduct related matter. Our team will work to forward the concern to the appropriate department or location.
Policy and referral procedures for concerns that may be resolved under the Responsible Action Protocol.
Retaliation, False Reporting, Witness Intimidation or Harassment, and Interference. Fear of reprisal should not be a deterrent to reporting known or suspected misconduct.
The phrase “participation in a protected activity” includes participation or refusal to participate in the processes set forth in CRRs 600.030, 600.040, and 600.050. Any person who engages in such retaliation shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or termination, in accordance with applicable procedures. Any person who believes they have been subjected to retaliation under one of the following policies is encouraged to notify the Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator. The University will promptly respond to all claims of retaliation in accordance with this policy.