Missouri S&T Responsible Action Protocol

The University encourages students to take responsible action in emergency situations, even if prohibited conduct may have occurred.

Because the health, safety, and welfare of our students is a Missouri S&T priority, the university has instituted this Responsible Action Protocol. The University encourages students to take responsible action in emergency situations, even if prohibited conduct may have occurred in conjunction with such an emergency.

This protocol aligns with the University of Missouri Collected Rules and Regulations Section 200.020 and Missouri's Good Samaritan Law (Mo. Rev. Stat. §195.205) designed to save lives by protecting those taking responsible action from certain consequences.

During an emergency, including instances where alcohol poisoning or drug overdose is suspected, a student or RSO demonstrates responsible action by taking the following steps:

  • Immediately alerting appropriate officials (e.g., calling 911 or S&T Police at 573.341.4300); 
  • Remaining with the person at the scene so long as it’s safe to do so; and
  • Cooperating with emergency officials and providing as much information as possible.

Important Note: Letting someone "sleep it off" or having a friend "look after" an impaired person are not reasonable alternatives to getting necessary medical help.

Based on the nature of the circumstance, the student or organization who took responsible action and the student for whom emergency assistance was sought, typically will not face student conduct action for prohibited conduct if they:

  1. Meet with a University official and discuss the situation; and
  2. Successfully complete any alternative resolution, educational solution, or remedy   

Failure to take responsible actions in an emergency may be considered an aggravating factor in determining sanctions for prohibited conduct. Failure to engage in any alternative resolution, educational solution, or remedy will typically result in a hold being placed on the student’s account until completion or the matter is otherwise resolved. Additionally, the student or organization may be referred to the traditional student conduct process for failure to comply.

Reporting Information

To report an emergency:

  • Call 911 for immediate threats to life or safety
  • Contact S&T Police at 573.341.4300

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