Student Resources for Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the foundation of educational excellence. It means conducting all academic work with honesty, responsibility, and respect for intellectual property. As you prepare to solve real-world technological challenges, the ethical standards you practice now directly impact your future success.

Why Academic Integrity Matters

Missouri S&T's reputation for excellence depends on the ethical conduct of our entire community. When you uphold academic integrity, you:

  • Protect the value of your degree - Employers trust S&T graduates because of our reputation for excellence and ethical standards
  • Develop essential professional skills - Integrity, accountability, and ethical decision-making are crucial in engineering and technical careers
  • Contribute to scientific progress - Valid research and innovation depend on truthful reporting and proper attribution
  • Honor our shared commitment - to advancing knowledge through honest means

Types of Academic Dishonesty

  • Cheating
  • Plagiarism
  • Sabotage
  • Unauthorized use of artificially generated content


Cheating includes the use, dependence upon or possession of unauthorized materials in class- or homework, or quizzes, tests or examinations. 


Plagiarism is the use of another person's work or ideas without proper citation, whether by paraphrase or direct quotation. Go here for some specific examples of plagiarized passages and how they could be corrected.

Plagiarism includes unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials. It is also the unacknowledged use of original work that has been produced through collaboration with others without release in writing from collaborators.

For more information, contact the Writing Center on campus.

Here is a quick video overview about what constitutes plagiarism.



Savotage is interfering with, modifying or destroying the work or intellectual property of another member of the University without permission.

Unauthorized use of artificially generated content

The term unauthorized use of artificially generated content, includes, but is not limited to

  1. use of artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content in taking quizzes, tests, examinations, or other assessments without permission from the instructor;
  2. submitting work for evaluation as one’s own that was produced in material or substantial part through use of artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content without permission from the instructor;
  3. using artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content in a manner contrary to instructions from the instructor; or
  4. using artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content in a manner that violates any other provision of these rules concerning academic dishonesty.

Use of commonly available tools such as spelling or grammar checking software or features of software that propose anticipated words or phrases while text is being written will not be considered unauthorized use of artificially generated content unless such use is contrary to instructions from the instructor.

Standard of Conduct

University of Missouri CRR 200.010 Standard of Conduct

Missouri S&T Honor Code

The Honor Code of the Missouri S&T Student Body, as approved in the Constitution of the Missouri S&T Student Council.


The following is a list of possible sanctions. More than one of the sanctions may be imposed for any single violation.

  • Warning
  • Probation
  • Loss of Privileges
  • Discretionary Sanctions
  • University Dismissal
  • University Suspension
  • University Expulsion


A notice in writing to the student that the student violated institutional regulations.


A written reprimand for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe sanctions if other instances of academic dishonesty are discovered.

Loss of Privileges

Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.

Discretionary Sanctions

Work assignments, service to the university, or other related discretionary assignments.

University Dismissal

An involuntary separation of the student from the University; there is no definite time period attached to this sanction.

University Suspension

Separation of the student from the University for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified. 

University Expulsion

Permanent separation of the student from the University.

Frequently Asked Questions

To report a potential violation of the Academic Standard of Conduct by a student or student organization, please email Dean of Students Office at   

If the Dean of Students Office receives a report that an academic dishonesty violation may have occurred, it is our first step to speak with you to get your personal insight regarding the incident. This letter will come to your Missouri S&T email account via Maxient, our online software. The first thing you should do is review the letter in its entirety. Some important things to look for are: 

  • The date and a brief summary of the incident 
  • The date, time, and location of your meeting. This time is scheduled by consulting your academic schedule 
  • Support and accommodation resources 

Once you have reviewed the letter, it is very important that you reply to the notice within two business day to confirm your meeting or request a new meeting time if a conflict arises. 

Most correspondence for conduct related matters will be sent to you via Maxient, our secure management platform. To ensure your privacy, all letters are secured and require you to input your Missouri S&T student ID number. If you have issues accessing your letter or wish to confirm its legitimacy, please contact the Dean of Students Office by email

Your first meeting regarding the incident is called an  Informal Deposition . The Dean of Students Office, who is the Missouri S&T Primary Academic Officer, will explain the alleged incident to you and allow you to provide your personal experience during the incident. The Dean of Students Office will work with you to understand the violation(s) of the Standard of Conduct, should there be any, and how those actions may impact you and the community. 

If you are found to have violated the Academic Standard of Conduct, the Dean of Students Office will discuss with you any future action steps to resolve the matter. This is done via an informal disposition. 

Yes! You are permitted to bring someone with you to serve as an advisor. The role of the advisor is outlined in CRR 200.020.10.

If you wish to bring someone to your meeting, complete an Authorized Release of Information which is attached your letter at least one business day prior to your meeting. 

  • Cheating includes the use, dependence upon or possession of unauthorized materials in class- or homework, or quizzes, tests or examinations.  
  • Plagiarism is the use of another person's work or ideas without proper citation, whether by paraphrase or direct quotation. Go here for some specific examples of plagiarized passages and how they could be corrected. Plagiarism includes unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials. It is also the unacknowledged use of original work that has been produced through collaboration with others without release in writing from collaborators. 
  • Sabotage is interfering with, modifying, or destroying the work or intellectual property of another member of the University without permission. 
  • Unauthorized use of artificially generated content, includes, but is not limited to (i) use of artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content in taking quizzes, tests, examinations, or other assessments without permission from the instructor; (ii) submitting work for evaluation as one’s own that was produced in material or substantial part through use of artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content without permission from the instructor; (iii) using artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content in a manner contrary to instructions from the instructor; or (iv) using artificial intelligence tools or other tools that generate artificial content in a manner that violates any other provision of these rules concerning academic dishonesty. Use of commonly available tools such as spelling or grammar checking software or features of software that propose anticipated words or phrases while text is being written will not be considered unauthorized use of artificially generated content unless such use is contrary to instructions from the instructor.


After Undergraduate Education has completed its investigation and has met with you, we generally will offer an informal disposition. The informal disposition includes: 

  • A summary of the violation 
  • A summary of the facts discovered in the investigation
  • Proposed resolution and developmental outcomes
  • An allotted timeframe to accept or reject the informal disposition 

Should the informal disposition be accepted, all proposed outcomes will go into effect. If rejected, the student will meet with the Vice Provost or designee to discuss the formal hearing process. If the student does not reply to the informal disposition within seven days, the informal disposition automatically goes into effect as well as the proposed outcomes. 

It is always our hope to gain your personal perspective of the incident and to have educational and developmental conversations with you that may assist you in your future coursework. Should you choose not to attend meetings with the Dean of Students Office, a finding may be made in your absence based upon the information available to the Primary Academic Officer. 

First, it is important to note that the academic conduct process is meant to be educational and developmental in nature, not comparable to or resembling a legal process. As such, you won’t hear terminology like verdict, guilty, trial, plaintiff, accused, etc. Instead, you will hear terms like “responsible,” “not responsible,” “academic conduct meeting,” or “hearing.” If you are unsure about certain terms, reach out to the Primary Academic Officer outlined in your meeting request letter or informal disposition. 

All determinations in the conduct process are made based upon the preponderance of the evidence standard. Meaning, whether it is “more likely than not” that there is a violation of the Standard of Conduct. 

Communication is always the key. We can’t work with you if we don’t know there is an issue. While an extension is not a guarantee, we can work with you to develop a plan for completing the requirements. 

Overdue requirements often result in a hold being placed on your student account preventing future course registrations. 

Generally, the Dean of Students Office will place a hold on your student account when you have outstanding requirements from an academic dishonesty matter. This hold will prevent you from registering for classes. 

If you have a hold, consult your informal disposition to determine what requirements you need to complete or contact us. 

All relevant conduct records are protected under FERPA. We generally will not release your academic dishonesty records to other parties without your express consent. 

If you have other questions, please contact Dean of Students Office via  email

Common Myths about Academic Misconduct

  • Working together isn't cheating.
  • Using AI tools or online resources isn't cheating.
  • Everyone is doing it.
  • Using old exams to study isn't cheating.

Working together isn't cheating.

Reality: The default expectation in higher education is that work submitted under your name is your own independent effort unless collaboration is specifically authorized. When in doubt, always ask your instructor about acceptable collaboration boundaries.

Using AI tools or online resources isn't cheating.

Reality: Using AI tools, answer sites, or other resources without instructor permission or proper attribution constitutes academic misconduct. These tools should be used according to course policies, with appropriate disclosure, and never as a substitute for your own learning and work.

Everyone is doing it.

Reality: Research consistently shows that most students don't engage in academic misconduct. The majority of your S&T peers are submitting their own, original work and earning their degrees honestly.

Using old exams to study isn't cheating.

Reality: The appropriateness of using old exams depends entirely on how they were obtained and whether they're authorized for circulation. Using exams provided to you by the instructor is acceptable. However, accessing unauthorized test banks, exams obtained through improper channels, or materials explicitly restricted by your professor constitutes academic misconduct. When in doubt, always ask.

True expertise cannot be borrowed or copied.

When you do the work yourself—especially when it's difficult—you build the competence that makes an S&T degree meaningful.