Student Absence Required Documentation Guide

Required documentation is written content that substantiates a circumstance by providing objective facts and information pertaining to the request and timeframe. Required documentation is not typically shared but rather used by the Dean of Students Office (DOS) to evaluate the request.

  • Documentation must reasonably identify the student and relation to the context of the absence notification request.
  • Documentation should be submitted on appropriate letterhead and include the signature of the provider or relevant party. 

An absence notification does not excuse a class absence. Each faculty member determines if an absence is excused and if adjustments can be provided, except when required by law. Faculty may choose to rely on the decision of the Dean of Students Office.

Absence notifications may be provided when the absence:

  • Is for three or more consecutive days; and
  • Falls within one of five defined categories (Health-Related, Grief, Military Training, Jury Duty, or Official University Activity); and
  • Includes the required and sufficient documentation.

Emergent, short-term, health related absences may involve visits to an emergency room, hospitalization, or surgery. These requests do not pertain to long-term or chronic issues as those should be discussed with Student Health Services and Student Accessibility and Testing. Required documentation for health-related absences does not need to include explicit details or diagnoses. 

  • Letter/note from doctor (primary care physician, dentist, physical therapist etc.), doctor’s office, or emergency room.
  • For any documented medical emergency in which you were seen or treated by a medical office or professional.
  • For short-term health or illness like COVID or flu, you may submit:
    • Medical provider memo stating your circumstance, needs and dates.
    • Paperwork of lab results with provider request.
    • Photo of the home-testing kit with your name and date displayed.
    • Written communication from S&T Student Health Services.

Immediate Family Member Health Emergency - when affected by the health emergency of a family member and time away is necessary.

  • Doctors note, police report, parent discussion, etc.

Required documentation should make clear the name of the departed family member and the date of their service for students seeking to document the absence due to a death in the family.  

  • News article or obituary 
  • Death certificate
  • Funeral pamphlet or eulogy (paper or online).
  • Prayer card  
  • Document from spiritual leader/house of worship, etc.

Required documentation includes

  • Copies of military orders, memorandums of record, documentation from a commander, or official government request for service
  • Copy of the training schedule.
  • Documents must include student's name and specific dates/timeframe for training.

**The University is required by law to provide excused absences without penalty for validated military training.

Required documentation includes:

  • Jury notice and court summons with student's name, location, and specific dates/timeframe for service in a criminal or civil matter.

**The University is required by law to provide excused absences without penalty for validated jury duty