Health Absences

Emergent, short-term, health-related absence notifications, whether physical or mental, including visits to an emergency room, hospitalization, or surgery may be requested by submitting an online absence notification request by selecting “Health Related Absence” from the dropdown list and submitting required documentation with the request. 

Health-Related Absences

  • For serious, short-term health issues (physical or mental)
    • Not for elective procedures or long-term health needs
  • Requires medical documentation.
  • Health-related requests will be reviewed by Student Health Services (which may require longer processing)
  • Processing Time: up to 15 business days (depending on complexity and documentation)

Absence Notice 

For defined extenuating circumstances with the required documentation.  

Request A Notice

Documentation for short-term health-related absences is required but does not need to include explicit details or diagnoses. Examples of required documentation include:

  • Letter/note from doctor (primary care physician, dentist, physical therapist etc.), doctor’s office, or emergency room.
    • For any documented medical emergency in which you were seen or treated by a medical office or professional, no diagnosis needed in documentation.
  • For short-term health or illness like COVID or flu, you may submit:
    • Medical provider memo stating your circumstance, needs and dates.
    • Paperwork of lab results with provider request.
    • Photo of the home-testing kit with your name and date displayed.
    • Written communication from S&T Student Health Services.
  • Immediate Family Member Health Emergency - when affected by the health emergency of a family member and time away is necessary.
    • Doctors note, police report, parent discussion, etc.

Students with long-term or chronic medical needs are encouraged to review the following Health Considerations Guide. 

Students with long-term or chronic medical needs are strongly encouraged to consult with Student Health Services.  Additionally, students may benefit from exploring a withdrawal and/or self-identifying through Miner Access online registration to begin the interactive process with Student Accessibility and explore reasonable accommodations.

Students are encouraged to prioritize their health and well-being needs.  For more serious, long-term, or ongoing health needs, students should consult with Student Health Services and consider the following:

  1. Does the condition substantially limit a major life activity, including the ability to participate in the educational process.
  2. Will I be able to reasonably meet the requirements of the course.
  3. Timing of the semester in which the health-need began.

If a student is reasonably unable to meet the fundamental requirements for the course or the time of semester impedes their ability to complete needed work a voluntary withdrawal should be considered. To withdraw, review the steps on the Registrar’s website, review the academic calendar and when appropriate, discuss the fee appeal adjustment process.  

In circumstances where the short-term health need is deemed urgent and essential by Student Health Services  and is not available locally or believed to better serve the student through a non-local faculty, the following guide can be used to consider if additional absence time is appropriate and necessary to account for travel considerations based on the distance of the healthcare services from campus.  

The following guide can be used to consider additional absence time to account for travel considerations based on the distance from campus, as follows:

  • Within 150-mile radius - no additional absence days
  • Between 150–300-mile radius - one additional absence days
  • Beyond 300-mile radius - two additional absence days
  • Outside the contiguous United States - four additional absence days.
    • International students are required to submit an International Travel Authorization form through the ISSS portal for any international travel.

Student Absence Request Procedure                                                                   

View Student Absence Request Flowchart

Step 1: Determine Eligibility
  • Absence is for three or more consecutive days.
  • Falls under one of the five extenuating circumstance categories listed above.
Step 2: Submit Request
Step 3: Dean of Students Review Process
  • Review typically takes 3 to 5 business days.
    • 15 or more business days may be required for complex cases or when additional documentation is necessary.
    • Requests submitted without the required documentation may be denied. 
  • Health-related requests take additional time for review by Student Health Services.
  • The student will receive either a copy of the absence notification or will be informed if notification cannot be issued.
  • **International students are required to submit an International Travel Authorization form through the ISSS portal for any international travel.
Step 4: Communicate with Faculty
  • It is the student's responsibility to contact each instructor as soon as possible to discuss managing your absence and options for missed coursework.
  • Instructor decisions regarding attendance, make-up work, or missed exams remain at their discretion unless legally mandated, or they prefer to rely on the Dean of Students Office to make the determination.
Step 5: Additional Support
  • Student Rights:
    • Expect privacy to be respected in accordance with FERPA.
    • Access educational and support resources.

  • Student Responsibilities:
    • Review course syllabi, attendance, and grading policies.
    • Communicate directly with instructors regarding absences.
    • International students are required to submit an International Travel Authorization form through the ISSS portal for any international travel.