Student Absence Notification Request

Course attendance and participation are
essential to student success.  

As a service to students, the Dean of Students Office may provide notice to instructors for absence requests that meet defined criteria when the request is:

  1. For three or more consecutive days
  2. Falls within a defined extenuating circumstance category
  3. Includes sufficient and required documentation.

In all instances, it is the student's responsibility to follow up with each instructor regarding the absence. 

Absence Notice 

For defined extenuating circumstances with the required documentation.  

Request A Notice

Extenuating Circumstance

An absence notification does not excuse a class absence. Each instructor maintains discretion regarding excused absences, missed coursework, and alternative arrangements (except where legally required).  Instructors may choose to rely on the Dean of Students notification as their determination.   

Absence notifications may be provided for defined extenuating circumstances of three or more consecutive days, with required documentation, when the nature falls within one of the following categories. 

Health Grief Military Training Jury Duty University Affiliated Other

Student Absence Request Procedure                                                                   

View Student Absence Request Flowchart

Step 1: Determine Eligibility
  • Absence is for three or more consecutive days.
  • Falls under one of the five extenuating circumstance categories listed above.
Step 2: Submit Request
Step 3: Dean of Students Review Process
  • Review typically takes 3 to 5 business days.
    • 15 or more business days may be required for complex cases or when additional documentation is necessary.
    • Requests submitted without the required documentation may be denied. 
  • Health-related requests take additional time for review by Student Health Services.
  • The student will receive either a copy of the absence notification or will be informed if notification cannot be issued.
  • **International students are required to submit an International Travel Authorization form through the ISSS portal for any international travel.
Step 4: Communicate with Faculty
  • It is the student's responsibility to contact each instructor as soon as possible to discuss managing your absence and options for missed coursework.
  • Instructor decisions regarding attendance, make-up work, or missed exams remain at their discretion unless legally mandated, or they prefer to rely on the Dean of Students Office to make the determination.
Step 5: Additional Support
  • Student Rights:
    • Expect privacy to be respected in accordance with FERPA.
    • Access educational and support resources.

  • Student Responsibilities:
    • Review course syllabi, attendance, and grading policies.
    • Communicate directly with instructors regarding absences.
    • International students are required to submit an International Travel Authorization form through the ISSS portal for any international travel.

For additional details or information, refer to the following resources:

For questions, visit the student absences webpage or contact the Dean of Students Office at or 573-341-4209.

Disability accommodations are processed through Student Accessibility and Testing and not through the absence notification process.  Disability and/or accessibility related concerns may include pregnancy and parenting and/or religious holiday observances. 

Students must self-identify through Miner Access online registration to begin the interactive process. For more details on the interactive process for reasonable accommodations, visit the University’s policy for Students with Disabilities.

Pregnancy and Parenting Related Needs

Missouri S&T provides reasonable accommodations related to pregnancy, including adjustments to attendance requirements, course due dates, leaves of absence, and other similar academic modifications.

Pregnancy itself is not considered a disability under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). However, pregnancy-related conditions may be disabilities, in which case Student Accessibility and Testing will engage in an interactive process to explore reasonable accommodations. If you have questions or would like assistance with requesting accommodations, please contact Student Accessibility and Testing at

Students who also serve as employees of the University should contact Human Resources regarding pregnancy related accommodations for employment related roles with the University. Students who believe they have experienced discrimination because of pregnancy should report concerns to Equity and Title IX online

To better understand your rights related to pregnancy, the U.S. Department of Education has published these guides:

Religious Holiday Observances

The University values a community with diverse backgrounds and traditions and recognizes that conflicts between regularly scheduled curricular activities and religious observances of some members of our community can arise. Students are encouraged to inform instructors in advance about any conflicts between class schedules and religious observances.   

Students requesting a formal religious accommodation regarding the academic context should contact Student Accessibility and Testing to engage in an interactive process.  

Explore Disability and Accessibility Accommodations

Disability accommodations are processed through Student Accessibility and Testing

Self-identify through Miner Access